Sesbania & Rhododendron
July 2019
The Hierophant
Card 5 of the major arcana
Ruled by Taurus.
Keywords: inner teacher, intuition, inner voice, sacred knowledge, to show or make known.
When the hierophant comes to us, there are several messages he has for us. It marks the time of opening to the inner voice, or inner hearing. The voice of the inner teacher is awakening. We all have the voice and it is excessable to us with preperation. Whatever approach you take makes no difference as they are all just as valid and valuable. While the most valuable teacher is the one within, it may be that we feel called to search for an outer teacher and this card can symbolize the start of some kind of formal study. Regardless of the kind of teacher, it is esoteric knowledge that is being transmitted as you are initiated into the spiritual practice. My favorite quote coming from this card is “what you see is not all there is”.
On another level the Hierophant represents the initiator. As an archetype, we are being initiated through the tests and challenges of life, and so it is our life that becomes our teacher. It is important to remember that these tests are there to help us grow spirutually and expand our awareness. They are here happening for you as opposed to happening to you. In this way we are being blessed by challenges. In order to grow and become more of who we are, sometimes life will seem painful and the experiences we have may appear unbearable. It is this contraction or trial that will push us further to the other side of ourselves into a deep, renewed and more authentic way of being. This is the initiation of life, it is the expansion, joy, sorrow and above all growth.
The symbols in this card are vast and deep and have changed throughout the ages to represent different figures. I suggest gazing into it and clearing the mind. What do you see? What is important to you and what are your goals? Are all of your faculties aimed at achieving this or only some of them? Remember, if you want to achieve anything your mind, heart and actions must be in alignment- that is the recipe for success.
Affirmation: I value practicality as well as intuition and it is these that I employ as I walk my path for which only I know the way through.
Flowers featured:
Rhododendron here is invaluable as we seek spiritual guidance for it allows us more easily to honor ourselves right where we are without wishing to be anywhere else. It releases us from our expectations and allows peace in the present moment. Not only this, it helps us to understand that where we are is the perfect place and deep appreciation wells up when we realize this. Deep acceptance and divine love for self is experienced as well as a renewed sense of presence. This is a heart opener as it helps us open to the true appreciation and love for life.
Sesbania punicia is for helping us to step fully into our power. This flower is incredibly powerful and helps one to realize their strength and courage. I like to think of this as the bull energy; powerful, strong and unwavering.