Angels Trumpet, Black Cohosh, & Rose
July 2020
The Death card 13,
ruled by the water sign Scorpio.
Keywords: fundamental change, dismemberment of guiding principals, rebirth, renewal, transformation, releasing, new worlds,surrender.
If we are lucky we will have died many deaths in our lifetime. What this means is that if we continue to live with outworn aspects of our psyche, to fail to let them die, then we will stagnate and become numb. To be numb to life is a spiritual death and will lead to alife only half lived. In order to embrace life, we must embrace death; acceptance of life is acceptance of death.
When this card comes up for you, offer gratitude. It means you are in the process of being demembered in order to be re-collected with only the essentials as a new and whole being. You will be resurrected symbolically in a new form. This is the alchemical process of self transformation through accepting Fates demand of opening to self knowledge. The work to be done is to surrender those old patterns of unconcioussness and ways of being. If you are to reach new worlds and meet new aspects of who you are the sacrifice is to shed old itentities and ideas. This is not as easy task, it is difficult to let go of parts of ourselves and we may feel like we are losing our identity. Know that these parts are not you, they are simply old constructs of the mind that have been with you for a long time. You can now set them down. When you do so, you will be offered many doors to new life! This experience is an utterly golden gift; you are being shown your unconscious and outworn parts of your psyche and it you choose to look directly at then and see them as separate from you- you can transmute them into the light of conciousness and release them. Each moment holds the seed of renewal and rebirth.
Affirmation: I am willing to release the patterns within that bind me to a self that is not serving me. I allow the neccessary death which gives birth to and allows me to become even more of who I am.
Flowers featured:
Angels trumpet will help one to make the crossing over into new life. It helps with the transition into our new embodiment and allows us to let go.
Rose offers us comfort and the ability to more gently accept this transition. She is the soft and sweet nature that offers her embrace when we are going through the mourning process of the old self.
Black cohosh is here for its ability to help one break the abusive relationship we have with ourselves. It will help us speak back to the negetive voice that wants to tell us we are no good. It will help us open up to new parts of ourselves as we embrace life and death.