Larch _STH9497.jpg
Larch _STH9497.jpg


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The Chariot

September 2018


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The Chariot

Card 7


Affirmation:  I trust my own inner guiding voice, enjoying the sense of stability it gives me, no matter the circumstances.

Keywords:  determination, change, psyche, victory,  inner journey, self discovery, new energy, new ideas, inner ruler, destiny, fate, transformation, equilibrium, balance, action, quietude

Card 7 marks a distinct change as we set forth into the world  as an adult as opposed to a child to find our individual place.  It is the mark of a new era and signals a transition.  We are now becoming conscious of an inner guiding principal within the psyche for the first time. Instead of projecting this onto others and seeking their counsel, know that it has always been something you can access within yourself.  It is a ripe time to find solitude and quiet, to do some inner searching to become aware of this presence.

This guide will be the steady force that will support you and give balance to your experiences and trials ahead.  With his energy you will be strong enough and powerful enough to take on any challenges.   This energy gifts you with feelings of security and safety.  The ego must find a way to align with this guide in order to serve the souls higher purpose.  It is tempting for the ego to make a small win and claim kingship, so be aware of this in order to avoid hubris.  Humility is a trusted friend to you, rely on it at this time in order to stay balanced and avoid a painful fall.  This is not to say the ego is an enemy, far from it in fact.  You will need a strong ego in order to withstand the challenges ahead.  You are on the path to find a way for the ego to serve a purpose higher than itself.  This IS possible and an eventuality if you allow life to teach you.  Be receptive to higher frequencies and know you and your ego are not the only resources.   We are connected to and interacting with a larger universal consciousness.  

On another level, this card can symbolize the need to for balance and assertiveness in controlling the senses.  Be aware of your animal nature so as not to be taken over by it.  Your presence of mind is required at this time- stay conscious, stay alert and receptive to higher forces.  

Larch is the flower essence featured here and is a wonderful ally in difficult times.  It will help with self doubt,  instilling a sense of confidence and assuredness in our abilities to succeed at what it is we wish to.  With its helping hand, we cannot help but believe in ourselves and our abilities.