

from $34.00


Swamp Hibiscus, Calndula, & Turks Cap

September 2019


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The Empress

Card 3

An earth element ruled by Venus.

Keywords: Venus, self- love, love with wisdom, abundance, fertility, abundance, mother earth, divine feminine, birth, door, portal, goddess of love, imagination, creativity, sensuality, intuition.

Affirmation: I open up to and trust in Love. I give and receive in balance.

The Empress represents the connection we have to the Greater Goddess. She is the archetype of the Divine Feminine love goddess. She is the door to life, the portal through which spirit is brought into form. She is bursting with energy and creativity and she waits for you to step into her wild and lush forest of creativity. She emanates love and and the ability to give and receive in equal proportion. Her message for you is a simple yet profound one; when your heart is open and you are acting from a place of love- there is nothing to fear-for you are protected by love itself. Whenever you are compelled to control things or to build walls to protect yourself, ask first for love to accompany you in your decision process. Whatever action is taken with love, is one that will carry no regret. This is the cleanest energy we can act with.

The empress is committed to transformation and awakening. Use her guidance and imagery to call upon the receptive, feminine aspects of creativity and imagination that is available to you. Listen to your inner guidance. Abundance surrounds you, your life is rich and fertile. Allow her to emerge from your heart and send light out to the world. What you give out will always come back to you.

Flowers featured:

Ginkgo brings mental clarity and allows the vital life force to radiate through you and harmonize your emotional and mental bodies.

Holly is the flower of love and helps ones heart to open, to trust in the Universe and drop the desire to protect ourselves unnecessarily. The loving heart does not need to protect. It is also very good at dispelling paranoia and can open one to the blessings that await them if they simply open up.

Hibiscus will work to activate the root, heart and sacral chakras, freeing any blockages to your sexial energy. It allows the flowering of your sensual nature.

Calendula is helpful for one who may feel overwhelmed in love, as tho they may be destroyed in the presense of love. It will help one to open to love with a strong, confident and trusting heart. You will not loose yourself to love.